Sunday, May 21, 2006

Filipino youth angered by private meeting with Marguerite-Bourgeoys school board

For immediate release
May 20, 2006

Filipino youth angered by private meeting with Marguerite-Bourgeoys school board

"Closed doors lock out the community," states Aaron Santos, member of Kabataang Montreal (KM), a Filipino youth organization, in response to the news of a private meeting between selected members of the community and the Marguerite-Bourgeoys school board (CSMB).

"This meeting does not engage our community and none of our questions or requests will be responded to," says Rodney Patricio, spokesperson of KM. "It will only further divide our community."

After trying several times to contact the CSMB about having a public meeting, the school board was tight-lipped about any of their plans to address the incident with Luc Cagadoc, a seven-year old boy was harrassed and disciplined for practicing his cultural eating habits.

"This is completely unacceptable for an institution to deny the obvious racism that exists within their system," says Santos. "Where they should be apologetic for their actions, they just continue to avoid any accountability on their part."

The Filipino youth group are calling for an open community meeting with the CSMB, a review of their anti-racism programs, access to quality education,
and a guarantee to a racism-free environment in the education system.

On Sunday, May 21st at 5:30 p.m., KM will lead an anti-racism demonstration to protest against the treatment of Luc Cagadoc. Meeting place is at
corner of Victoria and Van Horne (Metro Plamondon). All are welcome to attend - bring your forks and spoons!

For more information, contact Rodney or Joy at (514) 678-3901.



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